As someone could get me the MG models, I made something else in between. Tomorow the requested G3 will come. Another reason is because I didn't want to make one.
I searched hours, freaking looking some models. I found an Type-88, but it'S not from Battlefield 3.. So, the L86A2, the Type-88, and a gun that has the same name but looks diffrent (not even sure if it exists, every site has only a variation of guns). Yet coming today is the LSAT and tomorow the QBB-95, which will be a mess. Let's see ahead.
If I am right, the QBB-95 and the Type-88 are left. The problem now is, I can't find a rip of the Type-88 and the QBB-95 is built on the Bullpup-design. And about requests, they take some time as we need to find a good model. And that ain't so easy always. The icon is not as good as I wanted, but better than none.
I decided to finish the machine guns first as there are only one or two left. So here, the M249. I think it's in an good size, but decide for your own.
Took me long enough but I finally finished the request of a guy named Miguel. It is not the exact copy of the gun he rquested since Im unable to find any scope models for M16 type carry handle. You guys might wonder why I put V1 here, its because I fucked while doing the unsilenced variant of the gun, check the readme if you want to find out why.
-2 variants (silenced and unsilenced)
-2 different scope textures (red lens scope and green lens scope)
Extra notes:
Starting from now i will upload a copy of the mod to MEGA in case Mediafire delete it.
Special thanks to a friend of my for fixing my fail grammar xD Lol.
Thanks for 2000 Blog views! Today the M27 IAR. It replaces the M4 ofcourse. Next week I will take a pause because I have very important things to do then. Maybe I have the time to upload a mod or two though.
I am very proud of this one. The icon just looks so amazing in my eyes. Well there are a few guns that can kick you off your chair. And not the way you think of at the moment!
Oh look, another Machine gun. And even late! As announced I have less time so I am releasing this a bit late. And yes, It IS a bit too oversized. Sorry.
As said, the HK416. I know, in the Game it is called M416, but there is only the M4 or the HK416. If I am wrong I apologize. You may notice I put on some other clothes.
I removed the stripes at the butt of the gun as they didn't look nice in my view. I have very much to do in the following days so I can't promise there will be an mod every day.
Well it been a week since i posted that i will make BF4 weapons, starting the UMPs but turn out it is bugged badly than how it look in renderer, i tried to fix it for days but still nothing works so BF4 weapons will not come out fast. For now just wait Nero finish his BF3 stuffs than i will ask him for help. Sorry for this, i know you all will hate this but nothing i can do when it come to model bugs.
Trying out a new way for titles. Ofcourse it replaces the Country gun and the Sniper.Soon we have all rifles done. I didn't check how many are left yet.
Decided to share this mod. It quite nice if you ask me and it is also SAMP friendly ( mean you still take damages, other players will only see you facing your face in the wall not you in cover position ). I don't own this, all works goes to author HemiG ( not sure if he is the right author,it's the only name i found in the author readme ) , i made a extra readme for short if someone don't understand the original readme.